



Brian's first love has always been music and music was his initial introduction into the arts. The first band he played with, Playtoh, were signed to the record label - FIFA Records. They released their debut album 'Fountain 2am' under the magic producing wand of Ashley Keating of The Frank and Walters and produced a second EP following that. The band went on to play shows with Ocean Colour Scene, The Republic of Loose and at The Marquee, Cork, where they supported the Irish band Aslan to a home crowd of 5000 people


The second band he played with, Alterosa (formerly Subrosa), played shows across Ireland and the UK with a headline show in Camden's iconic venue -'The Dublin Castle'. The band also had a tour of the North American East coast finishing off with a show in the famous venue - Arlene's Grocery. Alterosa released two EP's to critical acclaim before the band members decided to pursue other avenues of interest


Brian continues to play on personal projects and has written some of the soundscapes for his short films. Music remains a big part of his creative life which can be seen with the extensive list of music videos under his belt and his music collaboration in his theatre work

playtoh EP cover

playtoh EP cover